Faculty of Health

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Health Analyst D4 Study Program

Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya organizes Diploma IV Health Analyst education in order to realize applied science graduates in the field of Health Analyst, a profession that has promising job prospects and is in great demand in various fields. Supported by professional and experienced teaching staff, as well as complete facilities supported by collaborative practices in various health institutions. D-IV Health Analyst UNUSA provides opportunities for high school graduates and equivalent to be educated to become professional and qualified Health Analysts


D4 Study Program Occupational Safety and Health

The D4 Occupational Safety and Health study program is a new study program at the Faculty of Health, University of NU Surabaya, established in 2017. The curriculum that will be applied in the implementation of the D4 Occupational Safety and Health Study Program refers to the 2007 Kepmenkes and the higher education curriculum that applies and is issued by Dikti, namely the KBK curriculum. . The curriculum is operationally developed by the Faculty of Health in accordance with the situation, conditions, and challenges of needs and is oriented towards the future as well as the basis of competence and entrepreneurship


S1 Public Health Science Study Program

In order to achieve the Vision of Healthy Indonesia 2020, the Indonesian Ministry of Health has established 10 flagship programs, including those concerning occupational safety and health as well as the prevention of accidents and involuntary injuries including traffic safety. To anticipate the above, it is necessary to have specially educated health workers who have the ability in the field of K3 (occupational safety and health). In Indonesia today, the existing education is Program III Hyperkes and Occupational Safety, Masters and Doctoral Degrees in Occupational Health Sciences. For the Undergraduate Public Health program, UNUSA is still in the specialization program participating in the Faculty of Health


Nutrition S1 Study Program

The Bachelor of Nutrition study program is one of the new study programs that has the aim of producing professional, superior and Islamic nutrition graduates. Graduates of the Bachelor of Nutrition at UNUSA are expected to become competent and independent human resources in the field of Nutrition and able to compete with nutritionists from abroad.

universitas nahdlatul ulama
031-8479070 Info@unusa.ac.id


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