Surabaya – UNUSA Community Empowerment were contributing for creating natural ‘handmade’ sanitizer with local residents [...]
Surabaya – UNUSA Community Empowerment Participants accompanied local students to have online learning at Dusun [...]
Surabaya – The Student Executive Organization (BEM) of Faculty of Health (FKes) Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama [...]
Surabaya – In order to implement the realization about how importance of molecular biology education, [...]
Surabaya – When you hear about Sanko bags, you must be curious, what this thing [...]
Surabaya – Occupational Health and Safety (K3) Student Association (HIMA) of the Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama [...]
Surabaya – Registered Training Organization (LPKS) Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) hold classes for prospective [...]
Surabaya – UNUSA Language Center (ULC) was having collaboration with PLTI (Pusat Layanan Test Indonesia) [...]
Surabaya – Have you ever been wondering, what does PESONA means, and how does it [...]
Surabaya – Nineteen proposals for the five-sector Student Creativity Program (PKM) from Uiversitas Nahdlatul Ulama [...]