Six Unusa Students Won In Two Different Competitions

Six Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (Unusa) students won the title of champion from two different competition activities. They are Dwi Indah Fadhilatul Amanah, Alisyah Azzahra Putri, Anggita Lusiana Dewi won third place in the Management Administration Great Innovation Competition (MAGIC) National Business Plan Competition at Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Solo. While the other three – Muhammad Fachruddin, Agung Firmansyah and Azizatur Rofi’ah, won the Education Debate competition in Java Bali which was held by IAIN Madura Student Activity Unit (UKM) Intellectual Development and Research.

The former three students won the said championship after making a business plan Co-man stands for “cookies matan”. Matan is a term for the visually impaired. These cookies are made from porang tuber flour.

Dwi Indah Fadhilatul Amanah explained that in Japan, porang tubers are often used as the basic ingredients for making shiratake rice and siratake noodles which are commonly used as a way to run a diet. Porang tubers have the lowest calorie content compared to rice and other tubers, besides that porang tubers also contain many nutrients, one of which is very high in fiber. It is very suitable for those who are undergoing a diet program but still want to consume snack. Dwi added that her team chose to use porang flour as they want Indonesia to have many processing innovations from porang tubers. So far, Indonesia has only exported raw materials from porang tubers. She hopes in the future there would be new innovations on how to process porang tubers, so as to add to the economic value of porang tubers and be able to help the economy of porang farmers in East Java. The obstacles the team face to process porang tubers is due to period of planting since it is an annual type of plant, so they had to wait until one to two years before they could be harvested. In addition, the price of porang flour is also quite expensive and the price on the market is not as stable, so in processing it into flour, they immediately work together with farmers to buy it
For the cookies, Dwi explained that one container of cookies has coco chips provides braille letters to form motivational words. “We want to make an impression for the visually impaired to get motivated from the words of encouragement from every time they buy a Co-Man, Dwi said.

Meanwhile, the latter three students, Muhammad Fachruddin, Agung Firmansyah, and Azizatur Rofi’ah, won second place in the educational debate. “We are satisfied with this result. We are happy to be able to provide tropy and achievements for the campus, so this achievement is thanks to the support of everyone who supports us,” explained Fachruddin. He added that he and his two friends had brief preparation for the competition. However, the team has strong confident to win the competition (****)

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