Results of The Selection of New Student Admissions Foreign Student from East Timor S1 (Sarjana 1) Medical Education Study Program TA.2023/2024

Based on the meeting of UNUSA to determine the results of the selection of new Student Admissions for the Foreign Student Program from Timor Leste, on December 21, 2022, the names listed in this below attachment were declared TO HAVE PASSED THE SELECTION OF New Student Admissions, S1 Medical Education Study Program, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Academic Year of 2023/2024.

For participants who are declared PASSED, MUST carry out the RE-REGISTRATION PROCESS no later than January 13, 2023. The said selectoin participants who are declared PASSING the selection receive merit scholarships in the form of a 30% discount on the Education Development Fund (DPP) and a 10% discount on the Education Operational Fund (DOP) for 8 semester.

Surabaya, 21 December 2022



Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Jazidie, M.Eng

Attachment 1 : click here to download

Kalender Akademik

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