The Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery at the Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya held a Masters Study Program in Applied Nursing. The opening of the Master of Applied Nursing study program was to respond to the needs of post-graduate nurses both as educators and as service personnel in various nursing and service agencies. Currently, there are 31,000 lecturers who do not have a master’s or applied master’s education (Suwignjo, 2016). The operation of the master of applied nursing study program at FKK UNUSA will begin September 2016. The vision and mission of the master program of applied nursing at Unusa reflect the standard of excellence in ideals by carrying out the basic values of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, namely: (1) religious values, (2) ethics noble academic and professional, (3) critical, independent, and honorable, (4) innovative initiative and work, and (5) a strong commitment to human aspirations and truth.
S1 Nursing and Nurses Study Program is a study program that aims to produce nursing graduates and nurses who are able to solve problems comprehensively, are able to think critically and openly and are able to work in teams and are able to communicate effectively
The KBK curriculum has been implemented starting from the 2012-2013 academic year until now with a load of 120 credits which is divided into a core curriculum of 94 credits and 26 credits of institutional curriculum. We always carry out curriculum evaluations in order to improve the Nursing Diploma III Education curriculum so that the learning process that is carried out is not just a transfer of knowledge process, but is really a debriefing process in the form of a method of inquiry for someone who is competent in working in the community.
A study program that facilitates high school / MA / vocational high school graduates to pursue higher education in the health sector that specifically studies maternal and child health. Normatively taken for 4 years and followed by professional education for 1 – 1.5 years. Obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Midwifery (S.Keb) and Midwife Profession (Bd) which is one of the requirements to be able to perform midwifery care in health facilities as well as Independent Midwife Practice (IMP)