Unusa Receives Award from Mayor of Surabaya

Surabaya – Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (Unusa) once again showed its commitment in supporting public health by receiving an award from the Mayor of Surabaya. This award was given in commemoration of the 731st Anniversary of Surabaya City.

The award is a form of appreciation for Unusa’s contribution in the successful implementation of the Polio Sub National Immunization Week (Sub PIN) in Surabaya City in 2024. This Polio Sub PIN program is part of the government’s efforts to increase immunization coverage and prevent the spread of polio disease among children.

On this occasion, Unusa was represented by the Head of Sub-Directorate of Development Planning, Dr. Ika Mardiyanti, SST, M.Kes., in the award presentation held on Monday (7/15), at the 2nd Floor Meeting Room of the Surabaya City Health Office.

The award certificate was handed over by the Head of the Surabaya City Health Office, Nanik Sukristina, S.KM, M.Kes.

Unusa’s participation in this year’s Polio Sub PIN not only reflects the institution’s dedication in supporting government programs, but also shows Unusa’s concern for the health of the younger generation. Through various activities involving students and health workers, Unusa succeeded in succeeding the immunization program which is very important for the prevention of polio.

Dr. Ika Mardiyanti expressed her gratitude for the award given and emphasized that Unusa will continue to be committed to various public health programs. She also appreciated the hard work of all teams and students involved in the implementation of this Polio Sub PIN. According to him, this success is the result of solid cooperation and full support from various parties, including the city government and the people of Surabaya.

By receiving this award, Unusa hopes to continue to contribute in improving public health and supporting various government programs in the future. This award charter is a motivation for Unusa to continue to innovate and actively participate in every activity that benefits the wider community. (***)

Kalender Akademik

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